Dear readers,
We couldn’t be more excited to partner with Sherman’s Maine Coast Book Shop on a very special gifting opportunity.
This year, please visit Sherman’s on Main Street in Damariscotta to pick up a Skidompha Library Gift-a-Book Tag. These tags include book titles that Skidompha Librarians would like to add to Skidompha’s lending collection. You’ll have the opportunity to purchase the title listed on the tag from Sherman’s at a 10% discount to be donated to the library. You may also pass along the cheer and gift a book in someone’s name. You’ll receive a Skidompha note card upon checkout, so you will have the opportunity to share this special gift with someone you care about. This display will be up through the new year, so please stop in and take a look.
Thank you for supporting local businesses that in turn support our local economy (and our local non-profits). Buying local is more than a movement– it’s helping your neighbor. So buy local this Saturday and support your library at the same time.
Thank you in advance for considering Skidompha this holiday season.
Matthew Graff
Executive Director
Skidompha Library