Lottie is excited about the chance to rent a house in Italy.
Rose on the other hand is not quite sure.
1922 England is rather dreary just now and so are their husbands.
The two women, portrayed by Christine Andersen and Allison Eddyblouin have identified two additional women and the four of them are off for an “Enchanted April.”
River Company is producing its spring play at the Skidompha Public Library, 184 Main Street, Damariscotta: April 26, 27 and May 3,4 at 7:30 p.m.; and on April 28 and May 5 at 3 p.m.
Tickets, $15/members and $17/general admission; discounts for seniors, students and families, are available at the library, online at www.rivercompany.ticketspice.com/april; www.rivercompany.org; or by calling 207-687-8150.