Dear Friends,
This week I want to let you know about some upcoming service disruptions at Skidompha in December. Let’s start with the good news, Skidompha has recently received a very generous grant that will enable us to replace some of the flooring. Hooray! The bad news? Installing that flooring will cause some interruptions to our regular daily library services, but we will do our best to minimize the inconvenience.
Starting on December 1, the main circulation desk will begin moving our furniture and nick-nacks into the computer room for temporary storage. We are replacing the carpeting behind the circ desk over Sunday, December 4, and Monday, December 5, and we will begin moving our belongings back on the morning of Tuesday, December 6.
The Children’s room will follow, with new carpeting laid down on Sunday, December 11, Monday, December 12, Sunday, December 18, and Monday, December 19. As you can imagine, this will require a lot of planning and work. That week, including the leadup to and a few days after, children’s services will be closed for regular browsing and checkout. Kristi and Jessie will have books available in the Atrium for lending and browsing. They are happy to put bags of books together for you to pick up. Just email or call ahead of time.
This renovation is no easy, quick task. Jessie and Kristi will need to move all the books and all the shelves (phew!) to facilitate this project. Please be patient and throw them a friendly smile or word of encouragement when you see them.
Finally, per our tradition, Skidmompha will be closed on Christmas Eve and through the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day. We will reopen on Tuesday, January 3, at 9 a.m. Over the last few years, we have loved gathering books and media for you to enjoy during our holiday break. Please make arrangements early and check out those books and resources you want for the holiday break, or ask the librarians to put together a bag for you.
Be well,
Matthew Graff
Executive Director
Skidompha Public Library