Charles Dickens wrote a Tale of Two Cities. But who will write A Tale of Two Artifacts? You will! In this genealogy workshop, participants will be guided through the process of writing the stories of a pair of their own family heirlooms in order to preserve the information for future generations. Prior to attending the workshop, attendees will need to choose two family heirlooms, such as a piece of jewelry, cutlery, china, baby bonnet, flag, pair of gloves, photo, watch, lamp, letter, handmade or hand carved item, membership card, calling card, or toy and gather all known facts about the item and its owner(s). During the workshop, participants will receive guidance on writing the full stories of the two items they’ve chosen as well as further suggestions for more research into the history of these family treasures. Best of all, the group will encourage one another in preserving these important family stories.
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