6.2.22 | Summer Reading Program Spotlight – Youth Services

Dear Friends,

Our 2022 Skidompha Summer Reading Programs have begun! How is it June already? I am thrilled to share the details of our Youth Summer Reading Program with you this week. Anyone 12 and under can participate, and we hope to see many kids sign up for this awesome program. Jessie has been working hard to bring some fantastic programming and prizes to kids this summer. She can’t wait to start handing out free books, and she’s got some gorgeous displays to share with us all summer long.

Registration officially begins on June 14, 2022. Make sure to stop by the children’s room in the library to pick up a Summer Reading Program packet, which will have the tracking and activity sheets you need to begin. If you keep track of your reading through the summer and turn your sheet back in, you’ll earn raffle tickets and prizes throughout the summer.

Everyone who signs up will receive a free book. August 26 is the last day to earn raffle tickets. We will announce the winners on September 1, and September 10 will be the last day to claim Kids Summer Reading Program prizes. There are five different raffle baskets, and each one has an ocean theme!

Check out our program offerings:

  • Ongoing events
    • Tuesdays @ 10:00 AM: Story Time, ages 5 and under
    • Saturdays @ 10:30 AM: Stories and Crafts, all ages
  • June
    • Craft Kit: Paper Fan Fish
    • June 14: Summer Reading Program Registration Begins
    • June 29 @ 10:00 AM: Story/Craft Time
  • July
    • Craft Kit: Clothespin Sharks
    • July 8 @ 10:30 AM: Picture Book Book Club
    • July 13 @ 1:00-2:30 PM: Nature Walk @ Salt Bay Farm
    • July 14 @ 10:30 AM: Watercolor Painting with Erica Qualey, ages 5 and up
    • July 22 @ 10:30 AM: Mr. Drew and His Animals Too
    • July 24 @ 2:00 PM: Blue Planet @ The Lincoln Theater – free movie showing!
    • July 27 @ 10:00 AM: Story/Craft Time: Ocean Invertebrates
  • August
    • Craft Kit: Egg Carton Whales
    • August 2 @ 1:00-3:00 PM: Nature Walk @ La Verna Preserve
    • August 5 @ 10:30 AM: Explore Tide Pools with Chewonki, all ages
    • August 10-11 @ 10:30 AM-12:00 PM: Small Scale Whale Machines, ages 8 and up
    • August 13 @ 10:30 AM: Marine Mammals of Maine: The World of Whales, all ages
    • August 17 @ 10:00 AM: Story/Craft Time: Whales!
    • August 19 @ 12:00 PM: End of Summer Reading Ice Cream Social
    • August 21 @ 2:00 PM: Blue Planet II @ The Lincoln Theater – free movie showing!


With so many offerings, we have multiple ways for you to keep track of it all! Please pick up a printed list of summer programs the next time you’re in the library, visit the Kids Summer Reading Page on our website, look for us on social media, or check out the library’s online calendar of events for more information about each event.

I can’t wait to hear about the Oceans of Possibilities kids create and share with the library this summer!


Best Wishes,

Matthew Graff

Executive Director