Dear Friends,
As promised, I have details to share about our Summer Reading Programs! For the next three weeks, we will tell you all about the fantastic programs that will be happening in each department of the library this summer, and we’re kicking things off with the Adult Services Summer Reading Program!
We are particularly excited to share what’s in store for adults at Skidompha this summer. We’ve had Summer Reading programs for kids and teens for years, and we’ve long wanted to offer something for adults. I am so grateful and proud of the incredible work that Molly, Erika, Terry, and Rachel have poured into creating these fantastic opportunities to share with you!
The Adult Summer Reading Program will run from June 1 to August 19, and the theme for this summer is Oceans of Possibilities. The program is open to all adults, and you don’t need to be a member at Skidompha to participate.
Program offerings include:
- Monthly virtual book club
- Monthly mystery book club run by Coastal Senior College president, Maryanne Ward
- Biweekly genealogy research help and story collection
- Sea shanties book talk and concert with the folk duo, Castlebay
- Conversations with Marine Mammals of Maine Wildlife Rescue Volunteers
- Storytelling Events with Greg Latimer and Sally Lobkowicz
- Nature Walks with Maine Master Naturalist, Heather Hardy
- Shipyards & Lighthouses Cruise with Maine Maritime Museum
- Sketchbook challenge
- And more!
You can also register for the BINGO reading challenge to gain entries into the prize drawing at the end of summer! The more BINGOs you complete, the more entries you gain! Registration is required to participate in the BINGO reading challenge.
Registration will open on June 1.
Register for the BINGO challenge by visiting or calling the library at 207-887-0919, or register online by filling out the following Google Form.
With so many offerings, we have multiple ways for you to keep track of it all! Pick up a printed list of summer programs the next time you’re in the library, visit the Adult Summer Reading webpage, look for us on social media, or check out the library’s online calendar of events for more information about each event.
The Skidompha Library 2022 Adult Summer Reading Program was funded by an American Rescue Plan: Humanities Grants for Libraries grant. The American Rescue Plan: Humanities Grants for Libraries is an initiative of the American Library Association (ALA) made possible with funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.
We want to recognize and thank the following organizations for their generous contributions to the 2022 Adult Summer Reading Program: Coastal Senior College, Maine Master Naturalist Program, and Sherman’s Maine Coast Book Shops in Damariscotta.
We are so lucky to be part of this community and I am heartened by the many ways we collaborate and learn from one another.
Wishing you a summer filled with waves of reading and connection.
Be well,
Matthew Graff
Executive Director
Skidompha Public Library