2024.09.26 Genealogy Resources

Dear Friends,

Skidompha recognizes the importance of our local history and our innate curiosity regarding our heritage. In response, I am happy to report we have renewed our Ancestry.com license, and added the Fold3 database to our available historical and genealogical resources. Ancestry is fairly ubiquitous, but If you aren’t familiar with Fold3, it is the prime source for military/veteran records.

These resources are available on our downstairs public computers, on your own devices while connected to Skidompha’s public wifi network (Ancestry Library Edition Fold3), and on the Genealogy desktop computer. A bonus: we’ve set up a number of helpful landing pages when you open Chrome on the genealogy desktop.These include Ancestry, Fold3, Family Search, My Heritage, National Archives, State Archives, American Ancestors, and Maine’s Digital Library, which includes a multitude of links to a various databases and publications.

Ancestry used to be freely provided to us by the Maine State Library, but it was dropped after budgetary changes. With help from a few passionate donors, we have resubscribed to these resources to support the intellectual curiosity of our patrons.

These resources will always remain free to use to library patrons as long as we offer them, but as you may guess, they are not cheap. If you use these services or work with our historians and genealogists, and are able, may I gently suggest you consider a donation to Skidompha Donations  in support.

Thank you and happy researching!

Be well,


Matthew Graff
Executive Director
Skidompha Public Library